Thursday, May 26, 2011

Final Project: PSA Posters

These are my poster for my PSA. My PSA was on supporting senior sports.

Final Project: PSA Video

This is a link to my PSA video on Supporting Senior Sports.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Aston Martin Poster

Porsche Poster

Mercedes Benz Poster

This poster was my favorite out of the three that I made. For this poster I chose to portray an image of the new Mercedes Benz E350 Convertible. This car is a new design by Mercedes, and it is the first time that an E-Class has been modified into a convertible. In my image I started off by cropping the car, and once that was completed I added an effect that would dim the gloss that the car previously had. Once my car was completed I added my background in, and used the gradient tool to create the red and violet colors. After I chose my colors I found an image of a suitable texture on the internet and placed that into the background. After modifying that image to perfection, my background was completed. For extra details in my poster I added in two Mercedes Benz logos. One of the logos is much smaller than the other, and both have different levels of opacity. The one logo that is larger and has a lower opacity creates a feeling of depth on the picture plane and complements the red from the car in a nice manner. One last addition detail that I added onto my poster were the two lines at the bottom of the poster. These two lines compliment the violet in the background and also add depth to the picture. After all details were completed I added in a suitable text, and my poster was completed.